Render Submission Form

Render Submission Form

If you wish to have us render your file for you, you may submit the information we require using the form below. Before doing so, you should have already requested Render Farm Access and received confirmation by email that an account for the render farm had been established for you. Please follow the instructions for connecting to the server to upload your scene files to your designated folder for rendering.

Your file name is the name of your project file you wish to have rendered, that is saved to the render farm directory.
We support animation frames or high resolution single image renders
Example: 1-1000 OR 1-100, 101-500, 550-1000
Example: camera01
Example: 1920x1080 (HD)
Please Note: Animations submitted to the render farm are rendered as sequential images and must be compiled in a video editing software such as After Effects or Adobe Premiere (select the first frame of your animation sequence, and tick the box for "sequence" in the import settings). We do not render to AVI or MOV formats using the Render Farm.
Note: If your scene references image-based textures, downloaded materials, or cached information, these files must be included alongside your project file in the designated directory. Not all 3rd party plugins may be supported.

We may reach out to you by email if we have additional questions or notice any problems with your files. As your render completes, the completed frames will be visible to you in your designated folder alongside the project files you submitted.