Generative Components and Genetic Algorithms

Generative Components and Genetic Algorithms

Genetic algorithms aim to mimic natural selection in the design process. A set of parameters or “genes” characterize a “species” of artifact. Individuals within the species express different values for those genes. A fitness function evaluates each individual’s health. The algorithm works by assigning random gene values for several individuals, evaluating them, discarding the weakest ones, breeding the strongest ones by interchanging genes, and repeating for successive generations. Genetic algorithms sometimes yield surprising designs that a strictly deductive deterministic design process might not discover.

This project uses Bentley Generative Components to script parametric designs for several classes of structures, including folded plates, branching columns, and geodesic domes. Bentley STAAD structural analysis serves as the fitness function.

Monica Ponce de Leon (Dean of Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning) is the principal investigator. Peter von Bülow (Associate Professor of Architecture) develops the genetic algorithms. Ted Hall worked with recent Architecture graduates Jason Dembski and Kevin Deng to script the structures and visualize them at full scale 3D in the MIDEN.

Tech Demo – Realistic “Spooky” Cellar with Physical Interactions

Tech Demo – Realistic “Spooky” Cellar with Physical Interactions

Spooksville, a haunting and dimly lit basement environment, was originally designed by Andrew Hamilton, optimized  developed by the Duderstadt Center, and brought into the MIDEN as an experiment in immersive environments. The user in this environment can walk up rickety stairs, see the cobwebbed and otherwise grimey surfaces in a basement, and knock over old paint cans, sending them tumbling down the stairs in a life-like manner.

The real-time interaction creates the feeling of truly being immersed–try to knock cans on the virtual floor, forgetting where the physical floor is, and you might knock the controller (now taped and re-taped) or go too quickly up the stairs or step off the ledge and you might feel woozy. An earlier version featured localized spooky sounds right next to the leading viewer and floating apparitions just out of the corner of the user’s eyes. Enter at your own risk.