Technology Interventions for Health, $5M Center Award from Department of Education (UMHS, CoE, SI, Library)

Technology Interventions for Health, $5M Center Award from Department of Education (UMHS, CoE, SI, Library)

Recently, the University of Michigan received a prestigious 5 million dollar Center Grant, awarded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), part of the Department of Education.

The funds from this award will primarily be used to pursue several development, research, and training projects/studies involving technology interventions for self management of health behaviors. The newly formed center, led by Michelle Meade (PI, Rehab Medicine), will be an interdisciplinary endeavor, involving clinicians, researchers, and engineers from multiple departments on campus. This will allow UM researchers to continue to study how technology (including applications for smartphones/tablets, video games) can benefit individuals with spinal cord or neuro-developmental disabilities.

S.C.I Hard – an educational mobile game teaching independence to young adults with spinal cord injuries

For the past three years, the Duderstadt Center has been developing SCI Hard, a transformative game facilitating skill development and promoting the ability of individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI). Through game-play, SCI Hard teaches players how to manage their health and interact more readily in home, health care and community environments. Combining practical teaching methods with the element of play, SCI Hard aims to give autonomy and confidence back to individuals who find their world drastically altered after a spinal cord injury, specifically young men (ages 15-25) with a recent SCI.

Players navigate the game by wheelchair, enabling them to face their real-world challenges: juggling doctors’ appointments, attending therapy sessions to build muscle, and learning to drive a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. Even banal tasks such as waiting in line at the DMV are covered in a way that exposes the new obstacles individuals with a SCI may face. SCI Hard tackles this difficult subject matter with optimism and an earnest of humor. (The player’s quest is ultimately to stop the evil Dr. Schrync from taking over the world with zombie animals.)

Funds from this grant will be used to study how playing games like SCI Hard can directly benefit the health or alter the behaviors of individuals with a SCI, an effort that has been supported and well received by the accessibility advocacy, gamification, and health science communities. Receiving the Center Grant allows Duderstadt Center to continue to develop SCI Hard and other projects through Android support, more health/configuration options, voice acting throughout for greater immersion, and leader boards to help track progress.

To learn more about how the grant will be used and what University of Michigan departments are involved, read The Record’s write up on this great accomplishment. For a sneak-peek at SCI Hard and what it entails, check out the video below.

SCI-Hard Mobile Game

SCI-Hard Mobile Game

Those with spinal cord injuries (SCI), often males ages 15-25, encounter a drastically different world when they are released from the hospital. With varying degrees of disability, mobility and function, the world around them becomes a collection of physical and mental challenges which is a complete departure from their previous lifestyles. Whether they are in crutches or manual/automatic wheelchairs, they need to learn mobility, scheduling, and social tasks once again. Stairs may now be an unsurmountable obstacle. The individual may receive glaring looks from others on the street or be taunted by children. Daily activities often surround the scheduling of their colostomy bag. The list goes on.

This project was initially the conceptualization of several ideas for a complete “manual” to be used by health care professionals working with individuals with SCI. It has since been turned into a larger development effort which has recently been funded by the U.S. Department of Education. This extension of the project would involve the development of a game which teaches those with SCI the necessary skills they need to now learn in a fun, edgy way. Tasks such as scheduling, mobility, and social interaction all become elements of the game as the player builds up their character’s abilities and opens up new locations and mini-games they can do.