3D Painter Provides Interactive Art Experience

3D Painter Provides Interactive Art Experience

Painting on a 3D Canvas in the MIDEN

An application developed by the Duderstadt Center, called 3D Painter, allows users to paint in multiple dimensions, rotating and flipping their strokes. You can switch the walls you’re painting on, can switch to the floor, can switch colors and even depth. All using a simple LED-wand. 3D Painter was created to showcase the creative potential of applications and the capabilities of the MIDEN.

Pushing Interactive Boundaries in a Tea House

Pushing Interactive Boundaries in a Tea House

A person exploring the tea house within the MIDEN.

A tea house environment was designed to explore the limits of what is possible in interactivity and textures. Moving freely around the environment, the user could lift up, open, and move around objects. The scene was explored with the MIDEN and had real-world physics applies to the objects.