Unreal for MIDEN

Unreal for MIDEN


Supported Unreal Versions

MIDEN compatibility is currently available for Unreal 4.27 and requires use of the Epic Games nDisplay plugin.

Enable Plugins

Within your Unreal project, go to “Edit” > “Plugins”. Search for and enable the following plugins

    1. Live Link Over nDisplay
    2. Live Link VRPN
    3. nDisplay
    4. Switchboard
    5. Windows Raw Input

Configuring Tracking with Live Link

    1. Copy Miden_LiveLinkPresetVolfoni.uasset into the Unreal project – Add this to the “Presets” folder inside the “Content” folder. If a “Presets” folder does not already exist, create one inside of the Content folder.
    2. Open “Window” > “Live Link
    3. Click on the “Presets” menu and select the preset file you just imported
    4. This preset will unload when the project is launched again, you will need to set the preset to automatically load when the project is launched. Go to “Project Settings” > “Plugins” > “Live Link” and set the “Default Live Link Preset” to Miden_LiveLinkPresetVolfoni.

Setting up Input for the Logitech Controller used in the MIDEN

    1. Go to “Project Settings” > “Plugins” > “Raw Input
    2. Add a new device configuration with following configuration
      1. Vendor ID: 0x046D  [Logitech]
      2. Product ID: 0xC219  [RumblePad 2]
      3. Expand “Axis Properties” and modify Axis 0-3 by checking the option “Gamepad Stick”.
    3. Next will be to add input mappings. Go to “Project Settings” > “Input” and then under “Bindings” expand “Axis Mappings”. If the following mappings do not exist then add them by clicking on the + icon next to Axis Mappings and changing the name of the added entry.
      1. Check for a mapping called “MoveForward”. Click the + button to add a new mapping and select “GenericUSBController Axis 3”.
      2. Check for a mapping called “MoveRight”. Click the + button to add a new mapping and select “GenericUSBController Axis 4
      3. Check for a mapping called “TurnRate”. Click the + button to add a new mapping and select “GenericUSBController Axis 1”.
    4. Next open the file <Your-Project>/Config/DefaultInput.ini
      1. When you open the file you should see a lot of lines that look like +AxisConfig=; we will be adding some additional entries.
      2. After the last +AxisConfig line add the following lines
        1. +AxisConfig=(AxisKeyName=”GenericUSBController_Axis1″,AxisProperties=(DeadZone=0.25,Sensitivity=1.f,Exponent=1.f,bInvert=True))
        2. +AxisConfig=(AxisKeyName=”GenericUSBController_Axis2″,AxisProperties=(DeadZone=0.25,Sensitivity=1.f,Exponent=1.f,bInvert=False))
        3. +AxisConfig=(AxisKeyName=”GenericUSBController_Axis3″,AxisProperties=(DeadZone=0.25,Sensitivity=1.f,Exponent=1.f,bInvert=True))
        4. +AxisConfig=(AxisKeyName=”GenericUSBController_Axis4″,AxisProperties=(DeadZone=0.25,Sensitivity=1.f,Exponent=1.f,bInvert=False))
      3. Save the DefaultInput.ini to apply these changes.

Viewing Your Content in the MIDEN

Lastly, you will want to contact us to arrange a time to view your scene in the MIDEN.