These VizHub workstations are large collaborative workstations with an 84’’ UHD Video Display and 10Gbit ethernet connectivity. This enables extremely fast transfer of datasets to the machine and real time visualization of extremely large datasets.
There are high speed USB 3.0 ports on the desk for fast data transfer, as well as power outlets for charging all of your devices. These workstations support display from personal laptops, or the built in CAEN computer.
These workstations can be reserved online, or for an immediate reservation using the the iPad reservation systems located at the VizHubs themselves.
VIZHUBS 3 – 13
In addition to the two large VizHubs, the second floor also contains 11 smaller collaborative workstations with dedicated 55’’ 1080p flat screen video displays and CAEN computers.
These spaces contain enough chairs to seat five people and are sectioned off for a modicum of privacy.
For those who want to connect their personal devices to the video display, VGA and HDMI cables are readily available for use, simply plug and play.