
Renew Scleroderma – Mobile Health Tracking App for Managing Scleroderma

Renew Scleroderma Mobile Health Tracking App for managing Scleroderma Mare Byrd The Renew Scleroderma app aims to assist individuals with Scleroderma by giving access to a full list of resources and activities designed to help manage their condition. RENEW stands for Resilience-based Energy Management to Enhance Well-being. Scleroderma is a rare autoimmune condition that causes…

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Recruiting Unity VR programmers to Evaluate Sound Customization Toolkit for Virtual Reality Applications

Recruiting Unity VR programmers to Evaluate Sound Customization Toolkit for Virtual Reality Applications Participate in a study by the EECS Accessibility Lab The EECS Accessibility Lab needs your help evaluating a new Sound Accessibility toolkit for Virtual Reality! Our research team is studying how sound customization tools, like modulating frequency or dynamically adjusting volume can…

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Security Robots Study

Security Robots Using XR to conduct studies in robotics Maredith Byrd Xin Ye is a University of Michigan Master’s Student at the School of Information. She approached The Duderstadt Center with her Master’s Thesis Defense Project to test the favorability of humanoid robots. Stephanie O’Malley at the Visualization Studio helped Xin to develop a simulation…

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