Concentrate Media: On the Cutting Edge of 3D

Patrick Dunn, Concetrate Media:
“Because there are different paths one can take, it helps to go to one location where there are multiple individuals who are well-versed in those different paths,” … “It really helps people to find their direction.”
The accessibility of U-M’s facility makes it a particularly rare gem. The lab provides unique ease of access to technology that’s on the rise but still fairly exotic to the general public, like the 3D printers. And in the case of the MIDEN, it’s one of only a couple of publicly accessible similar facilities nationwide.
“Generally these technologies are locked behind doors because they’re very expensive, they require expertise, and they can be very delicate,” … “Here, people say, ‘We want to use the MIDEN,’ and we say ‘Okay, we’ll help you do what you want to do.'”
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