F’25 Brings New Course on 3D Modeling, Animation & Game Dev for Everyone

EECS 298 : 3D Technical Art and Animation

F’25 Brings New Course on 3D Modeling, Animation & Game Dev for Everyone


Coming in Fall 2025 and running yearly, EECS 298 : 3D Technical Art and Animation is a new, open-to-everyone course teaching students how to create 3D characters, objects, environments, materials, armatures, animations, and more in Blender before bringing them to life in a game engine. Per the course syllabus, students will not only learn how to create these 3D art assets, but also learn how to integrate them into technical ecosystems such as the Unity game engine, achieving special effects and interactivity (dynamic hair, flowing lava, layered animations, particles, etc). No background in programming or art is assumed, and there are no prerequisite course requirements.

Students will conclude the course with a portfolio of 30+ low-poly models, along with a functional, shareable, 3D platforming video game (think Super Mario 3D World) featuring student-made (and student-integrated) playable characters, environments, NPCs, and objects. The course staff will provide some of the programming– students produce the 3D assets and game engine integration that brings everything together (and to life!).

Created by Austin Yarger in collaboration with Evan Marcus, the course will run once yearly (in fall semesters) with a capacity of approximately 50 students. The course will provide 4 credits of varying types depending on the department of the student (for example, CS students will earn FlexTech credit, while STAMPS students will earn elective credit). The course is designed to complement a growing suite of game development and XR courses on campus, including EECS 494 : Game Design and Development, EECS 440 : Extended Reality for Social Impact, EECS 498.007 : Game Engine Architecture, SI 311 : Games and UX, PAT 305 : Video Game Music, EDUC 333 : Games and Learning, etc. 

A full list of planned topics include–

3D content authoring, basic animation techniques, 3D topology, open source tools (Blender), basic computational geometry, 3D asset formats and representations, asset optimization, armature design, UV mapping and textures, basic materials and lighting / shader logic, asset-to-engine pipelines, 3D printing and photogrammetry, etc.

Delving into the art (instead of science) of anatomy

Delving into the art (instead of science) of anatomy

New XR Course for FAll 2024


The first thing the students saw were the bones.

There were more than a hundred of them, stacked neatly in plastic bins on a long table in the front of classroom 2060. Some were long and slender, others bulbous and asymmetrical. All had the same glossy sheen.

From far away, they resembled delicate china figurines. Up close, it was easier to tell that they were 3D-printed versions of the same bones you’d find in a human pelvis or mouth or arm.

The students in the “Art of Anatomy” mini-course rummaged through the bone-like objects, serious expressions on their faces as they deliberated which to choose.

Their assignment that day was to create a sculptural arrangement. It could be anatomically correct; it could resemble nothing that you’d typically find in a skeleton. Then they had to take a picture of their designs and draw the shadows they’d made, using graphite pencils or charcoal.

The activity was intended to explore the body from a different perspective, to discover the angles and shapes its parts could make, and to ask the question that lay at the core of every session in this course: How does interacting with models of our anatomy, which try to approximate the experience of real human bodies, compare to encountering the real thing?

The next hour or so was nearly silent, except for the clunking of the tiny bones and the scratching of the pencils. Maya Moufawad, a pre-dental and art major, had chosen two halves of a jaw, complete with teeth. She fit them together and then affixed them to two smaller bones, making it look like the Flintstones had gotten their hands on a dental mold and decided to display it as art, using bones as the frame.

Movement science student Abby Kramer went with a thoracic vertebra, a lumbar vertebra, and a sacral bone. She liked being able to hold the bones, to turn them around and flip them upside down to better understand their structure and proportion.

She connected the lumbar vertebral bone directly with the sacrum, which would have been in the appropriate location anatomically. But, as she noted later: “There were still a lot of unknowns.” You couldn’t fully understand the body by looking at these bones. They were, both literally and figuratively, missing connective tissue.

“We’re trying to get them to understand that even the most factual anatomical model is still a fiction,” says Jennifer Gear, an art history and movement science lecturer who co-designed and taught the course. “It’s still removed from the body. In what ways and for what reasons? How do you stop thinking about these things as objective truths — but rather, to see them as believable fictions?”


When movement science student Regan Lee walked into the Capuchin Crypt in Rome, she, too, was fascinated by the bones.

In this case, they were real human bones from deceased Catholic friars, used to adorn a mausoleum that is like few others on Earth. The crypt is literally decorated with human remains — skulls framing archways, tibias and femurs arranged in elaborate crosses and mandalas on the walls and ceilings.

At the time, Lee was on a day trip during movement science associate professor Melissa Gross’ class, “Art and Anatomy in the Italian Renaissance,” for which students travel to Italy and use the classical statues and paintings of the Renaissance era as a guide to learning about anatomical structures.

As she walked away from the unique crypt, Lee was “nerding out.”

“I think everyone should see this,” she told Gross.

Gross had a different idea.

“What if we made this a class?” she pondered. “Let’s have students make their own art with the bones they’re used to looking at. We could 3-D print bones that the students could think critically about.”

“That’s crazy,” Lee responded. “Are you serious?”


Gross was indeed. She’d 3-D printed a small number of bones for previous anatomy courses, so she knew it could be done. And she’d spent her career creating innovative interdisciplinary courses in an attempt to engage students, stimulating them to learn in ways that worked better for them.

Together with Gear, she’d applied that paradigm of thinking to create the “Art and Anatomy in the Italian Renaissance” course Lee was so enjoying. She thought she and Gear could build off that successful partnership and come up with a class that challenged students to revisit their preconceptions about both art and the body.

The pair started brainstorming. They wanted to teach a projects-based class — one with no tests, plenty of guest speakers, and lots of hands-on activities. They wanted to take students to different locations: the Hatcher Library’s Special Collections Research Center to look at Renaissance-era anatomy books, the Taubman Health Sciences Library to examine digital cadavers via the interactive Anatomage table, the Visualization Studio at the James and Anne Duderstadt Center on North Campus to play around with bones in virtual and augmented reality.

“I think of the classroom as a sandbox,” Gear says, “and I’m going to bring my best toys. Because I’ve got to be there with the students every day, too, and I don’t want to be bored. So I try to think about what would be fun to do, and this was a class that could lend itself to fun things.”

They wanted to ground the course in an arts-based approach, using critical thinking to respectfully challenge assumptions and foster dialogue that valued different perspectives. To do so, they planned to advertise in different schools on campus to attract students with varying backgrounds.

“Our goal was to open the students’ minds to other ways of seeing, of moving, of experiencing,” Gross says.


Coincidentally, the U-M Arts Initiative was looking for proposals for its Arts & Curriculum grant, which promotes the integration of arts into course development and teaching. In November 2022, the initiative gave its approval — and $19,611 worth of funds — to support Gross and Gear’s seven-week-long mini-course.

The pair used some of the grant money to pay Lee, who began the arduous task of printing the bones. Even the smallest ones took hours, and the printers often malfunctioned. Lee stuffed the ones that failed to print in her bag, and they clanked around as she walked.

“Even my apartment had bones everywhere,” Lee says.

Eventually, most of the bones made their way to SKB’s classroom 2060, as did 20 students — some from Kinesiology, some from Engineering, some from the Stamps School of Art and Design.

The students drew the bones, sometimes asking those who specialized in art to help the others portray the structures accurately.

Maya Moufawad drawing her 3D-printed bone sculpture

They paged through 16th-century books full of woodcut illustrations of bodies and bones, their faces full of wonder at the opportunity.

Ariana Ravitz looking at ancient anatomy books

They manipulated a digital cadaver on the Anatomage table, working as a group to make decisions about which bones and muscles and tissues to look at first and how to explore them. In that case, the Kines and biomedical engineering students often took the lead in explaining the names of the bones and where they were located.

They dissected five real animal carcasses and bones that Gross had gotten from generous butchers at Plum Market; one student, who disliked the smell of meat, was able to overcome her discomfort enough to participate with the support of her fellow classmates.

They talked about the ethics of using bones and bodies for research or education. In their reflection for that class session, students discussed whether they would donate their bodies to science given what they’d learned, noting that it was rare for them to feel this comfortable talking about such a difficult topic in class.

It began to feel like a kind of alchemy was taking place on Fridays from noon to 2 p.m.

“Every single class, I found myself being encouraged to think deeper, within my own knowledge and with the help of my peers,” one student wrote in a reflection. “The class’ emphasis on helping each other to understand is something I value so much. In fact, these discussions were so interesting to me that I always called my mom about them afterwards, because I was so excited to continue the conversation.”

“To see them bring their authentic selves to the challenges we’re setting every week, for them to treat it so seriously,” Gross says, “it feels like we’ve touched something important.”


On the final day of class, the students had one last opportunity to see the bones in a new way.

The Emerging Technologies Group at the Duderstadt Center had taken the digital files used to 3D print the bones and uploaded them to their visualization platforms, including virtual and augmented reality set-ups.

Movement science student Gordon Luo held a controller in one hand, using his index finger to press a button that grabbed the bone on his computer screen and moved it around. Then he found a way to digitally measure the bone.

“That’s so cool,” he says.

He was so immersed in the experience that he nearly tripped over the desk, less aware of his physical surroundings compared to the virtual world of the bones.

“It’s cool to realize this is where we’re at with technology,” he says.

Art student Summer Pengelly and biomedical engineering student Angel Rose Sajan were wearing HoloLens headsets that projected the bones hologram-style onto their surroundings.

“We’re building an elephant,” Pengelly tells me. “Or placing the bones so they’re shaped like an elephant head. I wish I could take a photo so I could show you. Oh, I just did.”

The photo was still contained in the software, so Pengelly picked up a piece of paper and started drawing the arrangement they’d made.

She and Sajan both agreed that they liked the HoloLens better than the VR headsets.

“It’s easier to manipulate the bones,” Pengelly says. “Using your hands as controllers gives you more access.”

“I kept turning the controller to figure out how to hold it,” Sajan says.

In the back of the visualization studio lay yet another digital environment to explore. Called the MIDEN for Michigan Immersive Digital Experience Nexus, it projects images onto the walls and floor of a room. Users wear headsets that place them within the environment created and give them tools to manipulate the objects in the space. In this case, students were able to slice a cadaver into different planes.

Cece Crowther and another student explore the MIDEN in the Duderstadt Center.

“MIDEN might be my favorite [of the technologies],” says Cece Crowther, a biomedical engineering student. “The Anatomage Table had the same energy as medical school. This felt more artistic.”

“But I could call three different [sessions] my favorite in this class,” she says. “Every class has been unique.”


A cake with an artistic pattern made from repeating bone patterns

When the mixed reality class wound down, everyone gathered to eat celebratory cake. The top of the cake had an artistic design, made by creating a repeating pattern of one of the bone sculptures a student had designed early in the course.

“We’ve touched, looked at, manipulated, and drawn bones,” Gross says to the group. “Now we’re eating bones to wrap it all up.”

As students ate their cake, they reflected on the course, sharing feedback like, “I will not stop recommending this class to people” and “I made my schedule around this class.” Several mentioned that they’d gained so much from working alongside folks with different backgrounds.

“I appreciate this class so much because it normalizes the idea of art and science working together,” Moufawad, the art and pre-dental major, tells me. “Whenever I tell people what I’m studying, they always think it’s random, but it’s really not. There’s so much at the intersection of these two topics, and I love that this class celebrates that.”

A few weeks later, after the students have written their final reflections, I meet Gross in her first-floor office. She’s giddy over the success of the course. Her eyes light up and her tone becomes reverential as she talks about what she and Gear, with the help of some committed students, have managed to achieve.

“This experience we spent so many hours designing and thinking about, it actually worked,” Gross says. “Some important vein got exposed, and we’re not sure what’s flowing. It’ll take some time to unpack what was so empowering for so many students, but it’s a big fulfillment for us as teachers.”

“Delight,” she says, “is too soft a word.”

The Art of Anatomy course was made possible by a grant from the Arts Initiative at the University of Michigan to recipient Melissa Gross. Gross and Gear plan to offer the course again in fall 2024.

Full Article from the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology:


Planting Disabled Futures – A call for artists to collaborate

Planting Disabled Futures

OPen Call for Artist Collaborators


Petra Kuppers is disability culture activist and a community performance artist. She creates participatory community performance environments that think/feel into public space, tenderness, site-specific art, access and experimentation. Petra grounds herself in disability culture methods, and uses ecosomatics, performance, and speculative writing to engage audiences toward more socially just and enjoyable futures.

Her latest project, Planting Disabled Futures, is funded by a Just Tech fellowship.

In the Planting Disabled Futures project, Petra aims to use live performance approaches and virtual reality (and other) technologies to share energy, liveliness, ongoingness, crip joy and experiences of pain. 

In the development of the Virtual Reality (VR) components of the project, we will ask: How can VR allow us to celebrate difference, rather than engage in hyper-mobile fantasies of overcoming and of disembodied life? How can our disabled bodymindspirits develop non-extractive intimacies, in energetic touch, using VR as a tool toward connecting with plants, with the world, even in pain, in climate emergency, in our ongoing COVID world?

A watercolor mock-up of the Crip Cave, with Moira Williams’ Stim Tent, two VR stations, a potential sound bed, and a table for drawing/writing.

Petra envisions a sensory art installation equipped with a VR experience, stimming tent, a soundbed and a drawing and writing table. The VR experience would be supplemented by actors providing opportunities to engage with unique taste, touch and smell sensations as the environment is navigated.

A cyanotype (blue) and watercolor mock-up of what the VR app might look like: a violet leaf with sensation hubs, little white ink portals, that might lead to an audio dream journey

The VR experience involved in the Crip-Cave is expected to be tree-like environment that allows participants to select either a visual or an auditory experience. Participants can travel down to the roots and experience earth critters or up to the branches and into the leafy canopy. In both locations, “sensory hubs” would take participants on a journey to other worlds – worlds potentially populated with content produced by fellow artists.

A cyanotype/watercolor mock-up of little critters that might accompany you on your journey through the environment.

Artist collaborators are welcome to contribute their talents generating 3d worlds in Unreal Engine, reciting poetry, animating or composing music to create a dream journey in virtual reality. Artists generating digital content they would like considered for inclusion in this unique art installation can reach out to: [email protected]

To learn more about Planting Disabled Futures, visit:

Fall 2024 XR Classes

Fall 2024 XR Classes

Looking for Classes that incorporate XR?

EECS 440 – Extended Reality for Social Impact (Capstone / MDE)

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Austin Yarger
[email protected]

Extended Reality for Social Impact — Design, development, and application of virtual and augmented reality software for social impact. Topics include: virtual reality, augmented reality, game engines, ethics / accessibility, interaction design patterns, agile project management, stakeholder outreach, XR history / culture, and portfolio construction. Student teams develop and exhibit socially impactful new VR / AR applications.

ENTR 390.005 & 390.010 – Intro to Entrepreneurial Design, VR Lab

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Sara ‘Dari’ Eskandari
[email protected]

In this lab, you’ll learn how to develop virtual reality content for immersive experiences in the Meta Quest, MIDEN or for Virtual Production using Unreal Engine and 3d modeling software. You’ll also be introduced to asset creation and scene assembly by bringing assets into the Unreal Engine & creating interactive experiences. At the end of the class you’ll be capable of developing virtual reality experiences, simulations, and tools to address real-world problems.

Students will have an understanding of how to generate digital content for Virtual Reality platforms; be knowledgeable on versatile file formats, content pipelines, hardware platforms and industry standards; understand methods of iterative design and the creation of functional prototypes using this medium; employ what is learned in the lecture section of this course to determine what is possible, what is marketable, and what are the various distribution methods available within this platform; become familiar with documenting their design process and also pitching their ideas to others, receiving and providing quality feedback.

UARTS 260 – Empathy in Pointclouds

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Dawn Gilpin
[email protected]

Empathy In Point Clouds: Spatializing Design Ideas and Storytelling through Immersive Technologies integrates LiDAR scanning, photogrammetry, and Unreal Engine into education, expanding the possible methodologies and processes of architectural design. Entering our third year of the FEAST program, we turn our attention to storytelling and worldbuilding using site-specific point cloud models as the context for our narratives. This year the team will produce 1-2 spatial narratives for the three immersive technology platforms we are working with: Meta Quest VR headset, MiDEN/VR CAVE, and the LED stage.

ARTDES 217 – Bits and Atoms

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Sophia Brueckner
[email protected]

This is an introduction to digital fabrication within the context of art and design. Students learn about the numerous types of software and tools available and develop proficiency with the specific software and tools at Stamps. Students discuss the role of digital fabrication in creative fields.

ARTDES 420 – Sci-Fi Prototyping

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Sophia Brueckner
[email protected]

This course ties science fiction with speculative/critical design as a means to encourage the ethical and thoughtful design of new technologies. With a focus on the creation of functional prototypes, this course combines the analysis of science fiction with physical fabrication or code-based interpretations of the technologies they depict.

SI 559 – Introduction to AR/VR Application Design

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Michael Nebeling
[email protected]

This course will introduce students to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) interfaces. This course covers basic concepts; students will create two mini-projects, one focused on AR and one on VR, using prototyping tools. The course requires neither special background nor programming experience.

FTVM 394 / DIGITAL 394 – Topics in Digital Media Production, Virtual Reality

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Yvette Granata
[email protected]

This course provides an introduction to key software tools, techniques, and fundamental concepts supporting digital media arts production and design. Students will learn and apply the fundamentals of design and digital media production with software applications, web-based coding techniques and study the principals of design that translate across multiple forms of media production.

UARTS 260/360/460/560 – THE BIG CITY: Lost & Found in XR

More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Matthew Solomon & Sara Eskandari
[email protected] / [email protected]

No copies are known to exist of 1928 lost film THE BIG CITY, only still photographs, a cutting continuity, and a detailed scenario of the film. This is truly a shame because the film featured a critical mass of black performers — something extremely uncommon at the time. Using Unreal Engine, detailed 3D model renderings, and live performance, students will take users back in time into the fictional Harlem Black Bottom cabaret and clubs shown in the film. Students will experience working in a small game development team to create a high-fidelity, historical recreation of the sets using 3D modeling, 2D texturing skills, level design, and game development pipelines. They will experience a unique media pipeline of game design for live performance and cutting-edge virtual production. This project will also dedicate focus towards detailed documentation in order to honor the preservation of THE BIG CITY that allows us to attempt this endeavor and the black history that fuels it.

MOVESCI 313 – The Art of Anatomy

Contact with Questions:
Melissa Gross & Jenny Gear
[email protected] / [email protected]

Learn about human anatomy and how it has historically been taught through human history covering a variety of mediums including the recent adoption of XR tools. Students will get hands-on experience with integrating and prototyping AR and VR Visualization technologies for medical and anatomical study.

ARCH 565 – Research in Environmental Technology

Contact with Questions:
Mojtaba Navvab
[email protected]

The focus of this course is the introduction to research methods in environmental technology. Qualitative and quantitative research results are studied with regard to their impact on architectural design. Each course participant undertakes an investigation in a selected area of environmental technology. The experimental approach may use physical modeling, computer simulation, or other appropriate methods (VR).

FTVM 455.004 – Topics in Film: Eco Imaginations
WGS 412.001 – Fem Art Practices

Contact with Questions:
Petra Kuppers
[email protected]

These courses will include orientations to XR technologies and sessions leveraging Unreal Engine and Quixel 3d assets to create immersive virtual reality environments.

Security Robots Study

Security Robots

Using XR to conduct studies in robotics

Maredith Byrd

Xin Ye is a University of Michigan Master’s Student at the School of Information. She approached The Duderstadt Center with her Master’s Thesis Defense Project to test the favorability of humanoid robots. Stephanie O’Malley at the Visualization Studio helped Xin to develop a simulation using three types of security robots with varying features to see if a more humanoid robot is viewed with more favorable experiences.

Panoramic of Umich Hallway

The simulation’s goal is to make participants feel like they were interacting with a real robot standing in front of them, so the MIDEN was the perfect tool to use for this experiment. The MIDEN (Michigan Immersive Digital Experience Nexus) is a 10 x 10 x 10 square box that relies on projections so the user can naturally walk in a virtual environment. An environment is constructed in Unreal Engine and projected into the MIDEN allowing the user to still see their physical body within the projected digital world, and the digital world is created to be highly detailed. 

Panoramic of the MIDEN

Users step into the MIDEN and by wearing 3D glasses are immersed in a digital environment that recreates common locations on a college campus: such as a university hallway/commons area OR an outdoor parking lot. After a short while, the participant gains the attention of the security robot, and it approaches them to question them.

Setting up the MIDEN

Xin Ye then triggers the appropriate response so users think the robot is responding intelligently. The robots were all configured to have different triggerable answers to participants that Xin Ye could initiate behind the curtains of the MIDEN. This is a technique referred to in studies as “Wizard of Oz” because the participant thinks the robotic projection has an artificial intelligence just as a real robot in this situation would possess when in reality it is a human deciding the appropriate response.


This project aimed to evaluate the human perception of different types of security robots – some more humanoid than others, to see if a more humanoid robot was viewed more favorably. Three different types of robots were used: Knightscope, Ramsee, and Pepper. Knightscope is a cone-shaped robot that lacks any humanoid features. Ramsee is a little more humanoid with simple facial features, while Pepper is the most humanoid with more complex features as well as arms and legs.  

Participants interacted with 1 of 3 different robot types. The robot would approach the participant in the MIDEN, and question them – asking for them to present an MCard, put on a face mask, or if they’ve witnessed anything suspicious. To ensure that these robots all had a fair chance, each used the same “Microsoft David” automated male voice. Once the dialogue chain is complete, the robot thanks the participant and moves away. The participant then removes the 3D glasses and is taken to another location in the building for an exit interview. After the simulation, participants were interviewed about their interactions with the robots. If any participant realized that it was a human controlling the robot, they were disqualified from the study. 

Knightscope in Hallway
Ramsee in Hallway

Xin Ye presented her findings in a paper titled, “Human Security Robot Interaction and Anthropomorphism: An Examination of Pepper, RAMSEE, and Knightscope Robots” at the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication in Busan, South Korea.

Fall 2023 XR Classes

Fall 2023 XR Classes

Looking for Classes that incorporate XR?

EECS 498 – Extended Reality & Society

Credits : 4
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Austin Yarger
[email protected]

From pediatric medical care, advanced manufacturing, and commerce to film analysis, first-responder training, and unconscious bias training, the fledgling, immersive field of extended reality may take us far beyond the realm of traditional video games and entertainment, and into the realm of diverse social impact.

“EECS 498 : Extended Reality and Society” is a programming-intensive senior capstone / MDE course that empowers students with the knowledge and experience to…

    • Implement medium-sized virtual and augmented reality experiences using industry-standard techniques and technologies.
    • Game Engines (Unreal Engine / Unity), Design Patterns, Basic Graphics Programming, etc.
    • Design socially-conscious, empowering user experiences that engage diverse audiences.
    • Contribute to cultural discourse on the hopes, concerns, and implications of an XR-oriented future.
    • Privacy / security concerns, XR film review (The Matrix, Black Mirror, etc)
    • Carry out user testing and employ feedback after analysis.
    • Requirements + Customer Analysis, Iterative Design Process, Weekly Testing, Analytics, etc.
    • Work efficiently in teams of 2-4 using agile production methods and software.
    • Project Management Software (Jira), Version Control (Git), Burndown Charting and Resource Allocation, Sprints, etc.

Students will conclude the course with at least three significant, socially-focused XR projects in their public portfolios.


ENTR 390 – Intro to Entrepreneurial Design, VR Lab

Credits : 3
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Sara ‘Dari’ Eskandari
[email protected]

In this lab, you’ll learn how to develop virtual reality content for immersive experiences in the Oculus Rift, MIDEN or for Virtual Production using Unreal Engine and 3d modeling software. You’ll also be introduced to asset creation and scene assembly by bringing assets into the Unreal Engine & creating interactive experiences. At the end of the class you’ll be capable of developing virtual reality experiences, simulations, and tools to address real-world problems.

Students will have an understanding of how to generate digital content for Virtual Reality platforms; be knowledgeable on versatile file formats, content pipelines, hardware platforms and industry standards; understand methods of iterative design and the creation of functional prototypes using this medium; employ what is learned in the lecture section of this course to determine what is possible, what is marketable, and what are the various distribution methods available within this platform; become familiar with documenting their design process and also pitching their ideas to others, receiving and providing quality feedback.


FTVM 307 – Film Analysis for Filmmakers

Credits : 3
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Matthew Solomon
[email protected]

 Filmmakers learn about filmmaking by watching films. This course reverse engineers movies to understand how they were produced. The goal is to learn from a finished film how the scenes were produced in front of the camera and microphone and how the captured material was edited. Students in this class use VR to reimagine classic film scenes – giving them the ability to record and edit footage from a virtual set.


UARTS 260 / EIPC FEAST – Empathy in Pointclouds

Credits: 1-5
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Dawn Gilpin
[email protected]

Empathy In Point Clouds: Spatializing Design Ideas and Storytelling through Immersive Technologies integrates LiDAR scanning, photogrammetry, and UnReal Engine into education, expanding the possible methodologies and processes of architectural design. Entering our third year of the FEAST program, we turn our attention to storytelling and worldbuilding using site-specific point cloud models as the context for our narratives. This year the team will produce 1-2 spatial narratives for the three immersive technology platforms we are working with: VR headset, MiDEN/VR CAVE, and the LED stage.



ARTDES 217 – Bits and Atoms

Credits: 3
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Sophia Brueckner
[email protected]

This is an introduction to digital fabrication within the context of art and design. Students learn about the numerous types of software and tools available and develop proficiency with the specific software and tools at Stamps. Students discuss the role of digital fabrication in creative fields.


ARTDES 420 – Sci-Fi Prototyping

Credits: 3
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Sophia Brueckner
[email protected]

This course ties science fiction with speculative/critical design as a means to encourage the ethical and thoughtful design of new technologies. With a focus on the creation of functional prototypes, this course combines the analysis of science fiction with physical fabrication or code-based interpretations of the technologies they depict.


SI 559 – Introduction to AR/VR Application Design

Credits: 3
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Michael Nebeling
[email protected]

This course will introduce students to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) interfaces. This course covers basic concepts; students will create two mini-projects, one focused on AR and one on VR, using prototyping tools. The course requires neither special background nor programming experience.


FTVM 394 – Digital Media Production, Virtual Reality

Credits: 4
More Info Here
Contact with Questions:
Yvette Granata
[email protected]

This course provides an introduction to key software tools, techniques, and fundamental concepts supporting digital media arts production and design. Students will learn and apply the fundamentals of design and digital media production with software applications, web-based coding techniques and study the principals of design that translate across multiple forms of media production.

Architectural Lighting Scenarios Envisioned in the MIDEN

Architectural Lighting Scenarios Envisioned in the MIDEN

ARCH 535 & Arch 545, Winter 2022

Mojtaba Navvab, Ted Hall

Prof. Mojtaba Navvab teaches environmental technology in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, with particular interests in lighting and acoustics.  He is a regular user of the Duderstadt Center’s MIDEN (Michigan Immersive Digital Experience Nexus) – in teaching as well as sponsored research.

On April 7, 2022, he brought a combined class of ARCH 535 and ARCH 545 students to the MIDEN to see, and in some cases hear, their projects in full-scale virtual reality.

Recreating the sight and sound of the 18-story atrium space of the Hyatt Regency Louisville, where the Kentucky All State Choir gathers to sing the National Anthem.

Arch 535: To understand environmental technology design techniques through case studies and compliance with building standards.  VR applications are used to view the design solutions.

Arch 545: To apply the theory, principles, and lighting design techniques using a virtual reality laboratory.

“The objectives are to bring whatever you imagine to reality in a multimodal perception; in the MIDEN environment, whatever you create becomes a reality.  This aims toward simulation, visualization, and perception of light and sound in a virtual environment.”

Recreating and experiencing one of the artworks by James Turrell.

“Human visual perception is psychophysical because any attempt to understand it necessarily draws upon the disciplines of physics, physiology, and psychology.  A ‘Perceptionist’ is a person concerned with the total visual environment as interpreted in the human mind.”

“Imagine if you witnessed or viewed a concert hall or a choir performance in a cathedral.  You could describe the stimulus generated by the architectural space by considering each of the senses independently as a set of unimodal stimuli.  For example, your eyes would be stimulated with patterns of light energy bouncing off the simulated interior surfaces or luminous environment while you listen to an orchestra playing or choir singing with a correct auralized room acoustics.”

A few selected images photographed in the MIDEN are included in this article.  For the user wearing the stereoscopic glasses, the double images resolve into an immersive 3D visual experience that they can step into, with 270° of peripheral vision.

Students explore a daylight design solution for a library.

Learning to Develop for Mixed Reality – The ENTR 390 “VR Lab”

Learning to Develop for Virtual Reality – The ENTR 390 “VR Lab”

XR Prototyping

For the past several years, students enrolled in the Center for Entrepreneurship’s Intro to Entrepreneurial Design Virtual Reality course have been introduced to programming and content creation pipelines for XR development using a variety of Visualization Studio resources. Their goal? Create innovative applications for XR. From creating video games to changing the way class material is accessed with XR capable textbooks, if you have an interest in learning how to make your own app for Oculus Rift, MIDEN or even a smart phone, this might be a class to enroll in. Students interested in this course are not required to have any prior programming or 3d modeling knowledge, and if you’ve never used a VR headset that’s OK too. This course will teach you everything you need to know.

Henry Duhaime presents his VR game for Oculus Rift, in which players explore the surface of Mars in search of a missing NASA rover.
Michael Meadows prototypes AR capable textbooks using a mobile phone and Apple’s ARKit.

Multi-Sensing the Universe

Multi-Sensing the Universe

Envisioning a Toroidal universe

Robert Alexander teamed with Danielle Battaglia, a senior in Art & Design, to compose and integrate audio effects into her conceptual formal model of the Toroidal Universe.  Danielle combined Plato’s notion of the universe as a dodecahedron with modern notions of black holes, worm holes, and child universes.  Their multi-sensory multiverse came together in the MIDEN and was exhibited there as part of the Art & Design senior integrative art exhibition.

Interested in using the MIDEN to do something similar? Contact us.

Students Learn 3D Modeling for Virtual Reality

Students Learn 3D Modeling for Virtual Reality

making tiny worlds

Stephanie O’Malley

ArtDes240 is course offered by the Stamps School of Art & Design and taught by Stephanie O’Malley that teaches students 3D modeling & animation.  As one of only a few 3D digital classes offered at the University of Michigan, AD240 sees student interest from several schools across campus with students looking to gain a better understanding of 3D art as it pertains to the video game industry.

The students in AD240 are given a crash-course in 3D modeling in 3D Studio Max and level creation within the Unreal Editor. It is then within Unreal that all of their objects are positioned, terrain is sculpted, and atmospheric effects such as time of day, weather, or fog can be added.

“Candyland” – Elise Haadsma & Heidi Liu, developed using 3D Studio Max and Unreal Engine
“Candyland” – Elise Haadsma & Heidi Liu, developed using 3D Studio Max and Unreal Engine

With just 5 weeks to model their entire environment, bring it into Unreal,  package it as an executable, and test it in the MIDEN (or on the Oculus Rift), the resulting student projects were truly impressive. Art & Design Students Elise Haadsma & Heidi Liu took inspiration from the classic board game, “Candyland” to create a life-size game board environment in Unreal consisting of a lollipop forest, mountains of Hershey’s kisses, even a gingerbread house and chocolate river.

Lindsay Balaka  from the School of Music, Theater & Dance, chose to create her scene using the Duderstadt Center’s in-house rendering software “Jugular” instead of Unreal Engine-Her creation, “Galaxy Cakes”, is a highly stylized (reminiscent of an episode of the 1960’s cartoon, The Jetson’s) cupcake shop, complete with spatial audio emanating from the corner Jukebox.

Lindsay Balaka’s “Galaxy Cakes” environment
An abandoned school, created by Vicki Liu in 3D Studio Max and Unreal Engine

Vicki Liu, also of Art & Design, created a realistic horror scene using Unreal. After navigating down a poorly lit hallway of an abandoned nursery school, you will find yourself in a run down classroom inhabited by some kind of mad man. A tally of days passed has been scratched into the walls, an eerie message scrawled onto the chalkboard, and furniture haphazardly barricades the windows.

While the goal of the final project was to create a traversible environment for virtual reality, some students took it a step further.

Art & Design student Gus Schissler created an environment composed of neurons in Unreal intended for viewing within the Oculus Rift. He then integrated data from an Epoch neurotransmitter (a device capable of reading brain waves) to allow the viewer to telepathically interact with the environment. The viewers mood when picked up by the Epoch not only changed the way the environment looked by adjusting the intensities of the light being emitted by the neurons, but also allowed the viewer to think specific commands (push, pull, etc) in order to navigate their way past various obstacles in the environment.

Students spend the last two weeks of the semester scheduling time with Ted Hall and Sean Petty to test their scenes and ensure everything runs and looks correctly on the day of their presentations. This was a class that not just introduced students to the design process, but to also allowed them to get hands on experience with upcoming technologies as virtual reality continues to expand in the game and film industries.

Student Gus Schissler demonstrates his Neuron environment for Oculus Rift that uses inputs from an Epoch neurotransmitter to interact.